I had my 64th birthday the other day. I went to my usual Saturday jiujitsu class. It seems I am one of the oldest students in the school. I have to warm up for the warm ups. When doing the warm ups it seems like the 20 or 30 somethings folks are warming up quite vigorously. Me, not so much.  

I started wondering about the idea of measuring. How should I measure myself? Most people in class are younger than me, most are more athletic than me.  

For context I am a BJJ 1st degree black belt at a top-tier school. I am a 5-time world champion in my division. (My division is the old farts division, but anyway. It’s now called Master 7 which sounds really advanced. Better than the old term “senior.” lol). None of that matters during class. No one cares who you are or who you think you are. There is is just the roll. Whatever you past accomplishments were is yesterday’s news. How is this roll? I do okay against some folks half my age. At the same time, there are world champions at my school in more competitive divisions who could submit me as though I was a beginner.  

So, how should I measure myself? My suggestion is don’t do that. No one cares who you are or how you measure up. Those thoughts are just your ego sneaking into your consciousness trying to ruin you day. When you are measuring yourself you are just wondering around in your head. Measure instead the experience. How was the experience? What did I learn from it? Just showing up and training is an end unto itself. 

If you just cannot put down the measuring stick then instead measure yourself against yourself. Do not compare yourself to the person on your left or your right. They are not your opponent. Your opponent is merely your self. Am I am a better version of myself than I was yesterday. Yes? Then life is good.