Do negative behaviors keep happening no matter what you do? Do you have to tell your kids 8-10 times to do something before they comply? Did your child come home from the hospital without a behavior manual? 

Now introducing constructive HELP:

The Happy Check™ Behavioral Management System

 A simple, effective method for teaching positive behaviors in children ages 2-11 . Developed by two psychologists, the system is based on basic research in behavioral psychology, 30 years of clinical experience, and most important, hands-on experience with their own three children. The system is based on focusing parental approval that helps children to connect their behavior to their parental approval in a positive way.

The Happy Check System™ is intended to be very simple and easy to use. Family life these days tends to be busy. There is not always time to keep up with complicated systems that require a lot of recording keeping or tracking things such points or chips. This system’s simplicity intentionally helps to magnify the power of parental approval. You also get the benefit of our years of experience using this system with a variety of different families. The system is useful not only for the range of normal childhood behaviors, but problem behavior patterns as well.

Here are just some of the topic areas covered:

  • How use maximize the effect of positive parental approval
  • How to develop positive behaviors
  • How to decrease negative behaviors
  • Use of schedules of reinforcement to establish desired behaviors
  • Sample dialogue on introducing the system to your children
  • How do deal with low levels of positive behaviors
  • Ways to refocus off of negative behaviors
  • How to use time-out
  • Effective alternatives to spanking
  • When to seek professional help
  • What to do if the child refuses to participate in the system
  • Use of a behavior diary to track patterns of problem behaviors
  • How to handle disagreements between parents

If you’d like more information regarding the Happy Check System, please feel free to email us.

The Happy Check System is filled with sound, well-researched behavioral principles.  However, you may find that support from a behavioral therapist while implementing the system for your particular child can improve effectiveness.

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