Overconfidence in What We Know

Understanding Overconfidence in What We Know to Be True As human beings, we are inclined to perceive everything from the perspective of How I see it is how it is. We all are more confident in our perceptions than we should be. One study found that respondents who...

House of Mirrors

Do you struggle with your self-image?  Been on the receiving end of verbal abuse as a child or as an adult with an abusive partner.  Feel anxious in social situations? Imagine going to one of those carnival amusements called the house of mirrors.  You know the one...

Irritable Opportunities

Do you have stuff that regularly pisses you off?  Like the clueless person looking at their phone when the light turns green?  Or maybe, the a**hole who tries to cut in line on the freeway exit during rush hour.  Or the know-it-all who does not think climate change is...

The Magic Question

The Magic Question If you encounter someone experiencing a negative emotion, it can sometimes be a difficult interaction, especially if they directed the negative emotion toward you.  You can try to empathize with the other person to understand what is like inside for...